Beyond Community

If you would like to be a part of the community, fill out the information below and we will be in touch.


  • Currently, joining the Beyond Community is free and open to anyone who would like to be a part of Beyond. Signing up gives you priority access to upcoming events and Immanuel Prayer sessions, and a newsletter with some behind the scenes info and spiritual encouragemen

  • We are a Christian organisation with a charismatic, evangelical shape. We don't belong to a specific denomination and welcome anyone who is open to learn more about Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how to live a supernatural, spirit-filled lifestyle.

  • Membership to Beyond is free of charge and where possible we keep our events free or donation based. We do not want money to ever be a reason that someone can't be a part of a quest or event, so please talk to us if you need financial assistance.

  • Prayer Support: Please hold us in prayer and join our newsletter to find out specific prayer needs for Beyond Ministries.

    Financial Support: We would love Beyond to be free at the point of access so that we can welcome anyone to join our events and so that we can develop resources and events for those who might be disenfranchised among us. If you would like to support us financially with a monthly donation or a once off gift, we would be so grateful.