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The Sacred Journey

  • Online via Zoom United Kingdom (map)

The Sacred Journey is a journaling course designed in South Africa with amazing testimonies of freedom and healing. Through the course you will learn how to use journaling to access inner healing, revelation and freedom through Christ.

The course participants meet monthly from January until November for a guided group session. This will include journaling practice to continue at home as you develop a new rhythm of reflection and contemplation through journaling. Different forms of journaling will be taught and no previous writing or journaling experience is needed.

A letterbox sized package containing an A5 journal and creative supplies for the course will be posted beforehand to any participants in the UK. A digital package will be sent through to anyone outside the UK.

The course will run one Thursday per month from 7:00pm until 8:45pm in order to allow for time to practically spend time journaling together and to allow time to reflect and feedback. The course will be run on zoom and you will need a private space with room to write and be creative. If you are unable to make a session, you will be able to catch up with a recording. Please contact me if you would like to find out more.

This course is full. Please contact me if you would like to join the next course, which will be run in 2026.

11 January

Immanuel Prayer Afternoon

3 May

Deep Heart Art